Midterm Elections

Midterm Elections

On November 8th American citizens above 18 who are registered to vote can visit their local voting center to take part in electing officials this midterm election. Taking part in voting is important and part of being in a democracy, and it’s good to be educated about who and what you’re voting for. 

Mrs. Sprenger a history teacher at HVHS comments that she is “really passionate about voting”. Voting is a very important part of our country being a democracy, and participation is crucial part of the process. No matter what your political beliefs may be, involvement in your countries politics is very important. “Local officials in Roanoke City ran in the Midterms, but Roanoke County follows the Virginia election cycle”. 

Unlike the Presidential Elections (which are held every four years), the Midterm Elections are held every two years. The Midterms elect people to a position of power in congress. Congress in America is a legislative part of the government, and Americas Congress is made up of the Senate and the House of Representatives.  

“It is easy,” Mrs. Sprenger said about voting. “You can do it in person, online, or by mail”. There are countless ways to vote for any election. Whether it be a local election, state election, or a nation-wide election, there are always options to vote. Before you go to vote however, make sure you’re correctly registered to vote in your area. Then, you can use any of options listed above to vote for who you want to elect. “I strongly believe everyone should vote and that everyone should prepare to vote by making a careful and unbiased study of the issues and reading what the candidates have to say both in interviews and on their websites,” Said Sprenger.