Every festive season, Hotel Roanoke exhibits an extravagant display of Christmas trees. Be it adorned with feathers, wrapped with special tinsel, or even given a gnome hat; Hotel Roanoke’s showcase of Christmas tree designs is very unique.
Decorated Christmas trees have been cherished for centuries, whilst the accommodation of evergreens in the home in the winter season has even longer. The first genuine Christmas trees dated back to Germany in the 16th century, among the faithful, German Christians. The concept of Christmas lights was introduced when Martin Luther, who formed the Lutheran church in the 16th century, added lighted candles to his decorated tree.
Much of what forms our Christmas trees is this tradition. Lights, ornaments, you name it: these are what we can expect. However, it must be asked, how can you really take Christmas tree decoration to the next level? Is it possible to expand upon tradition and still be fabulous? Hotel Roanoke utilizes such questions to promote their big idea: Fashionable Christmas trees.
“I think when a lot of people think of art, they get stuck on the same note that art is only visual art on a canvas. Art is really something that takes form in our lives in many different ways, and I would definitely say that interior design is a fashion of art.” says Miss Frohock, the Hidden Valley Visual Arts Teacher.
The exhibit is open from Thanksgiving to New Year’s Day, and features Christmas trees designed by local organizations. These trees are then set to compete, receiving votes from guests through a fully self-guided tour of the hotel. More than twenty-five organizations are participating with a tree of their own.
Though the display is something certainly best viewed with one’s own eye, here are some brief descriptions of some of the phenomenal trees this year. The Roanoke Council of Garden Clubs features a pollinator inspired tree, puckered with bright sunflowers, bees, and a dandy yellow tinsel. Bricks-4-Kids handily crafted a Christmas tree with an arcade inspired physique, using legos to create their own ornaments! Perrywinkle Toys has brought a tree blooming with blue and gold poinsettia tinsel and wielding a formidable star to top it off.
This is only scratching the surface of what is to be viewed, for there are so many brilliant designs to discover. The Hotel Roanoke showcase will be available throughout December to visit and enjoy the marvelous Christmas trees.
“I feel like any type of design is an opportunity to make something your own. Especially with some of these Christmas trees, they really touch on a specific theme. With a theme that is more specific, you can really put more personality into that tree, and you can really connect with people.” Frohock says.